Family Group Record — MRIN ,others Notes for Child Other Marriages: Documentation Unit no.: Marr: Mother: Father: Bur.: Died: Chr.: Born: [ ] 3. Send all names to the Ancestral File. Slg P: End.: Bap.: Place: Stake: Phone: Name and Address of Submitter: Name: Spouse: Relationship of Submitter to Husband _______________ Wife _______________ at the ___________________________temple. [ ] 1. I will provide proxies for [ ]Bap [ ]End [ ]Seal [ ] 2. Please provide all proxies at any temple. Check one option for all individuals on this form: for Children Slg S: LDS Ordinance Data Children (continued) Year of Birth: Page in order of birth M/F List each child (living or dead) Children Sex Other Husbands: Wife: Other Wives: Marr: Husband: Page 1 Family Group Record